Partner Betrayal Trauma: The Steps eBook
Partner Betrayal Trauma: The Steps eBook
The Partner Betrayal Trauma Step eBook helps you work through the betrayal you experienced. This is the digital version of the Partner Betrayal Trauma Step book.
Partner Betrayal Trauma is real. Your pain and experience of betrayal has impacted all of your being and all of your relationships.
In your hands is the first 12 step workbook to help you gain the insights and wisdom that so many have gleaned from the healing twelve step process.
These steps can be walked through by yourself, with a sponsor, friend or a partners betrayal group. You did not cause the betrayal, however the pain from the betrayal is yours to heal. You are worth all the work you will put into your healing.
Our prayer is that you will experience hope and strength in your personal recovery journey, in all the areas of your life that his betrayal has impacted your soul and life, so that you can once again experience the joy of living.
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